The issue’s theme is « Cultural actions and digital media », and the deadline is march 19th, 2012.
Papers can be written in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
More info here
The seventh issue of the V!RUS journal intends to discuss cultural actions and practices related to culture universe structured from the use of digital media.
Complementarilly, considering action as the process of doing something, the way something works and its effects, or in one of the perspectives of the Physical Sciences, the term may be understood as a change of state that one field can cause to the particles that are within its reach. The issue 07 of V!RUS journal intends to discuss cultural actions which have the transformation as a horizon.
If, on one hand, this transformation is understood on a horizontal way, envolving different actors, on the other hand it can be understood from its own making, which here assumes the use of different possibilities resulting from the use of information and communication technologies.
Its our interest to discuss formulations, developments, implementations and analysis of cultural actions, although, we prioritize actions which seek to promote processes that support the creation of reflexive and content producer individuals, in broad context, in the opposite of those that focus in formal education completion, or in audience formation with characteristics of passive consumers.
In opposition of works that address teaching-learning practices which have as focus the realization of workshops with an end in themselves, we are interested in testimonials, thoughts and products that involve processes which make possible reverberations, open enough so not determinated contents might emerge. We would like to understand practices subjected to unpredictability, that might suggest inputs for another processes.
In the context of promotion of such practices, we seek to think more deeply the role of the qualified use of digital media, and this include as much conception steps, planning, as implementation steps and its reverberations.
Are welcome papers that focus on the role of the different actors involved in actions with these characteristics, being agents or cultural producers, acting in public or private institutions, academic or communitary, independent organizations, art or digital culture collectives, among others actors groups.
Considering the perspective of many fields of knowledge and actors, we search to expand the dialogue around this theme, that is present in the broader theoritical discussions in Social Sciences, Arts, Education, Philosophy, Public Policies, Socio-environmental Sustentability, among many others, and in applied transdisciplinary researches. This theme it is also included on the agenda – and practices – of different collectives related to many artistic expressions and digital culture, artists related to mediart, and groups of people from the Free Media movement, among others.