Publication Log 25

L’édition 25-summer 2012 de Log est parue il y a quelques semaines….

… François Roche est l’éditeur invité de ce numéro Reclaim Resi[lience]stance, dans lequel on retrouve  :

Alisa Andrasek, Open Synthesis// Toward a Resilient Fabric of Architecture
Ezio Blasetti, pars (orationis)
Sebastien Bourbonnais, Information Relay: The Indetermination Between Machines
Pia Ednie-Brown, Architecture on Wire: Resilience Through Vitality
Shabnam Hosseini & Hamish Rhodes, The Thing: An Architectural Script
Francois Jouve, Structural Optimization
Lydia Kallipoliti, I have a lump stuck in my throat!
Matthias Kohler, Aerial Architecture
Sanford Kwinter, The Tragedy of the Commons?
Camille Lacadée, (rama)kanabolism: Bangkok’s furious, sensuous hankering
Leopold Lambert, Abject Matter: The Barricade and the Tunnel
Sylvia Lavin, The Report of My Death
Iain Maxwell & Dave Pigram, In the Cause of Architecture: Traversing Design And Making
Fabrice Melquiot & Stephanie Lavaux, The measure of the day
Antonio Negri & Francois Roche, A Dialogue: Negri and Roche
Can Onaner, Analyzing the Masochistic Architect
Philippe Parreno, Marilyn
Beatriz Preciado, Architecture as a Practice of Biopolitical Disobedience
Francois Roche, Reclaim Resi[lience]stance//……R2
Roland Snooks, Volatile Formation
Patricia J. Williams, DeliriousMe: Ownership and Identity in an Age of Genomic Medicine
Slavoj Zizek, Remarks on Occupy Wall Street

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