DNArchi 2021 : Design & Emotion, Physiology, Neurocognition

Call for papers
This first special edition, DNArchi 2021, aims at capturing analysis, experiments or tutorials focusing on designing through the measurement of emotions, physiology or neurocognition. New measurement techniques make it now possible to capture our emotions and monitor our cognitive and physiological activity. Applied to design, these tools open new perspectives to study digital design by measuring users’ perceptions of the built environment with the potential to enhance it or by measuring designers’ own design activity and processes.

Two exploratory directions emerge regarding this topic: the first concerns users’ experience of the artifact of the design process (architecture, urban space and the built environment) and the second deals with designers’ personal experience of their design processes. The use of physiological measurement devices (heart rate, skin conductance, eye-tracking) and neuroimaging systems (EEG, fMRI, fNIRS) as tools for measuring neurophysiological signals opens up new areas of research in the design research. Measuring designers’ and end-users’ emotions, neurocognition and physiology while experiencing design or a design artifact provide new insights into the design activity. Can this data enrich our design processes, boost our creativity and innovativeness? On the contrary, do those tools encourage measurements of  non-quantifiable processes, such as designing? What do these indicators really bring to our perception of architectural space quality? How can these measures deepen our understanding of design processes? Do they offer ways to develop new hypotheses, to explore new paradigms on design thinking? Beyond the technical approach, we can wonder how do emotions influence design activities. Ultimately, the body / mind relationship is brought into play by these measurement tools.

The integration of this type of data into the design process gives a potential to augment design thinking and raises questions concerning the development of new design tools that integrate the feedback measured.

DNArchi 2021 is open to the presentation and discussion of research, experiments, feedback on experience, positions, development of concepts and points of view related to digital architectural design. DNArchi 2021 invites submissions addressing one or more, but not limited to, the following themes:

  • Emotionalized design and codesign: integration of emotions in the design process
  • Role of emotions in design activities: does affect influence all stages of the design process?
  • Design and creativity models extension through the lens of emotions, physiology and neurocognition
  • Relevance of physiological and neurophysiological tools to support design process
  • Neurophysiological interactions: towards new brain-computer interfaces (BCI) to support design thinking
  • Architectural quality and health: development of new indicators related to physiology, neurophysiology, to support architectural ambiance design
  • Biofeedback: enhancing creativity through biofeedback
  • Neuroarchitecture: uses of neurophysiological signals as shape generators
  • Physio-adaptive architecture: interactive spaces responding to our physiological signals

Submission types
Short papers
DNArchi short format 1500 words (around 10 000 characters including spaces).

Long papers
Up to 4500 words (around 30 000 characters including spaces).
(templates in French / in English).

Review process: double-blind peer review.
A short abstract can be sent to the committee beforehand. Authors not familiar with academic writing can submit a draft abstract for DNArchi team to assist them in writing the final paper.

Standalone video is a new submission type offered for this thematic call. The video template is as follows (contact us for the video template).
Authors interested in the video format are invited to submit an abstract with a succinct storyboard for the editorial team to confirm the acceptance of the video (see Submission deadlines). The final video is accompanied by an abstract of 150 words max. written in French or English.
The selected papers and videos will be published online (with DOI) in a DNArchi special issue.
Official languages of submissions: French or English.
Official language of DNArchi 2021 conference: English.

Webinar DNArchi 2021
Authors from papers and videos published in the special issues will be invited to participate to DNArchi 2021 webinar to present, discuss and share their work.

Submission deadlines:

  • Call for paper: september 2020
  • Deadline for abstract (not mandatory for articles, mandatory abstract and storyboard for standalone video submissions): 15 december 2020
  • Deadline for articles and videos: 15 february 2021 > march 1st, 2021
  • Notifications of acceptance: 15 may 2021
  • Final paper for special issuer : 30 june 2021
  • DNArchi 2021 workshop: 17 september 2021

Submission mail
To send us your articles, abstract or any other question regarding this call, write us at: dnarchi[à]dnarchi.fr

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