Call for papers | Studiolo #19 / La Vie des oeuvres

Consacré à la Vie des œuvres, le numéro #19 de Studiolo souhaite engager une réflexion critique sur le devenir des œuvres d’art, et sur les relations et les discours, toujours changeants, qui se construisent avec elles et autour d’elles, tout au long de leur biographie.

Une section de l’appel inclut la question de la reconstruction numérique, proche de nos thématiques en recherche architecturale.

The issue #19 of Studiolo art journal, dedicated to The life of artworks, seeks to engage a critical thought on the “living” and “moving” nature of artworks, as well as on the ever-changing relationships and narratives that are built with and around them, throughout their “biography”.

This issue welcoming case studies and open to a variety of approaches – whether historical, anthropological, conservative, legal, philosophical, or literary –seeks numerous arguments, such as:

  • the becoming of the artwork: transformations, modifications, temporal sedimentations;
  • the complex concepts of autonomy, ‘authenticity’ and originality of the work;
  • the biography of the artwork: decontextualization, recontextualization, recycling, fortune, rediscovery, travels restitution;
  • the social role and sociability of artworks;
  • the life, the vital power of artworks, and their relation to the museum exhibition context;
  • the artwork and its image: diffusion, virality, digital reconstruction;
  • restoration and de-restoration: approaches and motivations;
  • decline and death of the artwork: accident, destruction, oblivion;
  • the artwork confronted with changing points of view and historical perceptions;
  • the museography of the life of artworks.

Articles can be published in three languages, French, Italian and English, and must be inedited. Under the headings dossier, essais and débats, articles can be between 30,000 and 80,000 characters long (including spaces and notes). In the last section, patrimoine et histoire à la Villa Médicis, articles can be between 10,000 and 50,000 characters long (including spaces and notes).
Images must be provided by the authors and be free of rights.
Authors will be responsible for formatting their article according to editorial standards.
The article must be accompanied by an abstract and a biography of the author of 800 characters each. Authors must also mention their affiliation, current research, and recent publications, as well as their e-mail address. Abstract and biography must be sent in a separate document.

All the documents must be sent by e-mail, in Word format, to Patrizia Celli, editorial secretary:

Deadline: 6th March 2023

Publication: Autumn 2023

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