Smart geometry 2012 _ Challenge Material Intensities
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY USA Workshop 19 – 22 March 2012 Conference 23 – 24 March 2012 sg2012 TALKSHOP 23 March 2012 The Talkshop is an opportunity to share perspectives, open…
Call for paper – V!rus Journal
The issue’s theme is « Cultural actions and digital media », and the deadline is march 19th, 2012. Papers can be written in English, Portuguese and Spanish. More info here The seventh issue of the…
Workshop « a Living System – Discursive Wall »
Workshop “a Living System“ / March 7th-11th 2011 and March 29th to April 1st at ISCTE-IUL facilities, in Lisbon, Portugal. The workshop “A living System” involves three partners:…
TEX-FAB 3.0 Applied Competition
San Antonio, April 2012 International Competition, Lectures, Workshop and Exhibition TEX-FAB 3.0 est un cycle d’événements organisés pour le développement des méthodes et techniques de fabrication numérique. Le prochain TEX-FAB se déroulera en…
ACADIA 2012 – Call For Papers
Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture , Conférence internationale annuelle October 18-21, 2012 _ San Francisco, California Important Dates: Abstracts (500 words) due: March 5, 2012 (optional) SUBMISSION DEADLINE for Full Papers,…
Le Laboratoire_Expérience #13
En ce moment au Laboratoire est exposée une œuvre de Ciro Najle intitulée « cummulus : du design aux expériences atmosphériques ». Un compte-rendu critique de l’exposition sera bientôt publié. Informations pratiques 7 octobre 2011 – 9…
Smart geometry 2012 _ Challenge Material Intensities
sg2012 Material Intensities strives to energise our digital prototypes and infuse them with material behaviour. They gain the potential to become rich simulations informed by the material dynamics, chemical composition, energy flows, force…
AAG12 _ Advances in Architectural Geometry
Advances in Architectural Geometry / AAG is a symposium presenting theoretical works and practices linked to new geometrical development applicable to architecture. This symposium aims to gather the diverse components of the…
SCAN12 _ Complexités des modèles
Le Séminaire de Conception Architecturale Numérique / SCAN rassemble tous les ans des chercheurs autour de questionnements portant sur les implications du numérique en conception architecturale. Ce séminaire vise, notamment, à…