DNActu • Evénement | Conférence • Conférence de Zelly Martin : End-to-end encryption as sociotechnical process: How pro-choice activists construct security beyond material tools • 16/05/24

Evénement | Conférence

End-to-end encryption as sociotechnical process: How pro-choice activists construct security beyond material tools

ℹ️ https://flashlabinfo.wordpress.com/


Dans le cadre de la saison 2023-2024 du séminaire FlashLab, un nouveau cycle trimestriel « Corps & Numérique »est ouvert avec une première séance, prévue jeudi 18 avril (16h-17h30), en visioconférence et sur le campus de Sciences Po. Zelly Martin, doctorante au Center for Media Engagement (The University of Texas at Austin) présentera une conférence intitulée

« End-to-end encryption as sociotechnical process: How pro-choice activists construct security beyond material tools »

Abstract: On June 24th, 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, and thus the federal right to abortion for people who can get pregnant in the United States. In the nearly two years since, 21 U.S. states have restricted or banned abortion, resulting in a cascade of suffering, including people forced to travel to access abortion care of even wanted pregnancies with fatal fetal abnormalities. Concurrently, our increasingly datafied society and related surveillance capitalism poses dire threats for people who use the internet to access abortion or do abortion-related work. Social media platforms share data with law enforcement that can–and has–negatively impact those seeking care, as in the infamous case of a Nebraska mother and daughter’s Facebook messages being used as evidence to criminalize the daughter’s self-managed abortion. As such, encrypted messaging apps, or chat apps which ensure only the sender and receiver of a message may view its content, have become crucial tools for abortion-seekers and abortion activists. Yet, there are potential harms associated with such a heavy reliance upon exclusively technical security. As part of my dissertation research, I conducted interviews with pro-choice activists, anti-abortion activists, pro-encryption activists, and Texas law enforcement to understand the sociotechnical processes of creating privacy and security in a post-Roe America. In this talk, I will explore the continued necessity for feminist community-building beyond mere technical security, and the need for reframing encryption ideology beyond its techno-libertarian, white, patriarchal roots. 

La prochaine séance du cycle aura lieu le jeudi 16 mai (16h-17h30), au format hybride,

avec la venue de Phoebé Piagenet (CARISM, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas) pour une présentation intitulée : « Créer du contenu autour des stigmates corporels : quels discours produits autour des déviances à la norme de beauté féminine sur les réseaux sociaux numériques ».

Vous pouvez retrouver le programme complet de FlashLab sur le site du séminaire.


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