DNActu • Appel | Conférence • CAADRIA2025 TOKYO – Architectural Informatics • 01/08/24

Appel | Conférence

CAADRIA2025 TOKYO – ​Architectural Informatics

ℹ️ https://www.caadria2025.org

    The concepts of architecture and cities are historically intrinsic to human civilization, as a consciousness of mankind’s need to construct artificial environments. However, decades after the advent of computers, we are now reconsidering their existence against the backdrop of the rapid expansion and evolution of information technology and its profound impact on industry, the economy, daily life, and society.

    The quantum acceleration of information processing and communication has had a profound impact on the design of all kinds of artifacts, production techniques, management systems, and usage patterns, and has already surpassed the traditional concept of design and its support methods. By considering social activities and human organizations as forms of information processing, we can reconsider architecture and cities as information systems that have been constructed, accumulated, and acted upon. Viewing architecture and cities through this lens suggests that real and virtual spaces should not be seen as opposing entities, but rather as complementary components within a unified system.

    In other words, information may be architecture. With “Architectural Informatics” as the theme of CAADRIA’s 30th anniversary, we would like to reexamine the fundamental existence of architecture in the age of information technology.

Prof. Yasushi Ikeda




  • Artificial intelligence, neural networks and machine learning

  • Building Information Modeling (BIM)

  • City Information Modeling (CIM)

  • Collective, collaborative & interdisciplinary design

  • Computational design research & education

  • Design cognition and human-computer interaction

  • Disrupted practices, resilience, and social sustainability

  • Environmental and ecological performance

  • Generative, algorithmic & evolutionary design

  • Digital Heritage

  • Interactive environments

  • Material systems, processes and assembly

  • Practice-based design research

  • Robotics, digital fabrication and construction

  • Simulation, visualisation and impact projection

  • Theory, philosophy & methodology of computational design research

  • Urban analytics, big data analysis and smart cities

  • AR / VR / XR

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