DNActu • Evénement | Conférence • AI & Automation in Architectural Research and Practice (AIARP 2024) ENSA Paris Malaquais + EN LIGNE • 10/10/24

Evénement | Conférence

AI & Automation in Architectural Research and Practice (AIARP 2024)

Controversies and speculations in architectural autonomy


ℹ️ https://paris-malaquais.archi.fr/evenements/evenements/conferences/#ai-automation-in-architectural-research-and-practice-aiarp-2024

International conference organised by GSA laboratory and DM et Transitions departments, Paris-Malaquais School of Architecture – PSL University

Thursday October 10, 2024
9am – 7 pm

Amphi 2 des Loges
École d’architecture Paris-Malaquais

14 rue Bonaparte – Paris VIe

Register here for free entry onsite
Register here for the Zoom webinar

AI & Automation in Architectural Research and Practice (AIARP 2024) is an international conference held on October 10 at ENSA Paris Malaquais. The conference brings together specialists in architecture, engineering, construction and computation to present and discuss the progressive integration of AI & Automation in the AEC industry. The conference will take place at ENSA Paris Malaquais and via an online webinar platform. The event will be conducted in English, and free registration is available through a registration form.

Attendees will have the chance to hear and discuss with renowned invited speakers including Sherif Tarabishy (Foster + Partners), Robert Stuart-Smith (University of Pennsylvania and UCL), Isabelle Ryl (PSL University) and Zoubeir Lafhaj (Ecole Centrale de Lille). Moreover, young researchers from ENSA Paris Malaquais, UCLouvain and a Media artist from California will present their submitted articles. The conference will cover a range of topics from machine learning in design, AI Datasets, classification models and Bias to construction 4.0 through robotic fabrication and 3D printing.

The conference broadens the discussion around the potentials and consequences of automation within the architectural landscape, investigates the methods of hybridizing human and machine intelligence while questioning the added value behind such co-existence.

Scientific committee:

  • François Guéna, MAP-MAACC laboratory, ENSA Paris-La Villette
  • Thierry Ciblac, GSA laboratory, ENSA Paris-Malaquais – PSL
  • Roberta Zarcone, GSA laboratory, ENSA Paris-Malaquais – PSL
  • Ahmed Hussein Abouelkheir, GSA laboratory, ENSA Paris-Malaquais – PSL


  • Thierry Ciblac, GSA laboratory – ENSA Paris-Malaquais – PSL
  • Ahmed Abouelkheir, GSA laboratory – ENSA Paris-Malaquais – PSL


The conference is financed by the French ministry of culture, PSL university and the GSA laboratory.
With the support of Accor for speakers accommodation.


AIARP 2024 Conference Program

09:00 – 09:30 | Welcome Coffee (Amphi 2)

09:30 – 10:00 | Opening Note


Session 1 (Amphi 2)

Moderators: François Guéna & Ahmed Hussein

  • 10:00 – 10:45 | Invited Speaker: Sherif Tarabishy
    Associate Partner, Foster + Partners – Applied R+D team
    Tutor, Architecture Computation Program, The Bartlett, UCL
    Machine Learning in a Design-Driven Business”


  • 10 :45 – 11 :15 | Speaker : Florian Cheraud
    Associate Lecturer, École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais
    To Speak Architecture with Machines: Embedding Architectural Notions in Datasets for an Artificial Intelligence of Space”


  • 11:15 – 11:45 | Speaker: Louis Roobaert
    Assistant Professor, PhD student, Tsa-Lab, LOCI, LAB, UCLouvain
    Senior Design Architect, Director of the R&D Department, B2Ai
    “AI in Architectural Design: Adaptive Tabular Model for Classifying Intelligent Tools”


  • 11:45 – 12:30 | Invited Speaker: Robert Stuart-Smith
    Assistant Professor and Director, Robotics and Autonomous Systems Program, University of Pennsylvania (Penn) – Director, Autonomous Manufacturing Lab at Penn & UCL
    Semi-Autonomous Approaches to Architectural Design, Robotic Fabrication, and Collective Robotic Construction


12:30 – 14:00 | Lunch Break

(Perret building – Hall 105)


Session 2 (Amphi 2)

Moderators: Xavier Marsault & Thierry Ciblac

  • 14:00 – 14:30 | Speaker: Hassan Ragab
    Architect, Computational Designer and Media Artist, California, USA
    “Visual Bias in Big AI Models as an Extension of Human Bias”


  • 14:30 – 15:15 | Invited Speaker: Isabelle Ryl
    Vice President, Artificial Intelligence, PSL University
    Head of PRAIRIE (Paris Artificial Intelligence Research Institute), PSL University


  • 15:15 – 16:00 | Invited Speaker: Zoubeir Lafhaj
    Professor of Engineering, Ecole Centrale de Lille
    Chairholder of Construction 4.0 Laboratory, Centrale Lille
    “Resilient Construction Through 3D Printing: Unleashing the Power of Construction 4.0”


16:30 – 16:45 | Coffee Break

(Amphi 2)


16:45 – 17:45 | Panel Discussion and Q&A  

17:45 – 18:00 | Closing Note  

18:00 – 19:00 | Apero & Networking

(Perret building – Hall 105)

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